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How is the name of the currency of Bangladesh money?

How is the name of the currency of Bangladesh money?

This history is quite interesting.

However, there is a slight mistake in the question, Bangladesh has officially named their currency as taka, because the name of the currency in Bengali is common as taka. That is why the Bengalis of West Bengal also use the word money.

Now come to the main answer

Hundreds of years ago, the market meant a few huts on the banks of the river, and Seth Mahasaya sitting on a wooden stool. The word Seth means the best. Seth Moshay's job was to find out the correct exchange value of money instead of wages. At that time coins were made with metals like gold, silver, copper etc., Seth used to kill that money at home with one of the metal sheets in Mosquito and understand how much metal and how much alloy in it. Through this he could tell how much can be bought with this coin.

When Seth Moshai hit the house, there was a sound of "tong". Since then, the word "tanka" has been in vogue. The origin of today's word "money" evolved from that money.

Emperors or kings used to print money in their own name. The place from where the printing was done was named "Mint". The word "coin" originated because the object of money was printed.

Gold coins printed in the mint of Emperor Jahangir

Although irrelevant, let me tell you about the coins used by the common people. The price of coins was much higher, the common people rarely used it. They used cowries to exchange, the shell of a snail, a very cheap coin.

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