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What are some surprising psychological hacks?

What are some surprising psychological hacks?

What are some surprising psychological hacks?

What are some surprising psychological hacks? এর ছবির ফলাফল

What are some surprising psychological hacks? Its photo results

1 / If you want to get a good idea about someone, you can know how he likes his thoughts by checking his Facebook, Kora, etc. IDs.

2 / If you want to have a deep friend relationship with someone, call him by his name as soon as you see him, give him a smile, and shake his hand before he hugs you and says goodbye.

3 / If you want to learn something from someone you like, introduce him to Kora. And find the answer to the question to him.

4 / Someone is just insulting, give a fake smile and make him a fool in front of everyone even if he is slandered with false accusations, he will actually become a fool;)

5 / If you want to take control of someone, pretend to look at the violence in a perfect way from the first look to his head.

7 / I am having trouble with the fact that you have created somewhere. The way to survive is to pay attention to what you have learned from there. Hate him.

7 / Pretend not to know someone you want to stay away from

6 / Sharing all the secrets in Korat does not mean that the writers are fools. What I am writing so that I can better understand my own brain.

9 / Sharing all the secrets in Korat does not mean that the writers are fools. Many new things are discovered while writing this, of which these are the real proofs

10 / Number is for you: Only if you think you are stupid, someone becomes a fool! No one is truly stupid at all.

Source: - Quora

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