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What does eyesight 6/6mean?

What does eyesight 6/6mean?

What does eyesight 6/6mean?

I myself did not know it a few days ago, thanks to the questioner, I found out for it. 😅

How well a person is looking can be written in two ways based on an eye chart test.

20/200, 20/20 The class number starts with 20 because 20 feet is the correct distance for a big eye chart. If you use a meter, the numbers will be 6/60, 6/6, etc., because 6 meters is about 20 feet. No matter which chart or measurement system you use, you will find different rows marked with one of these two numbered systems, even though they are designed to be used for distances other than 20 feet or 6 meters. The better the vision, the lower the second number:

6/18 = 20/60: An adult looks good for most tasks

6/12 = 20/40: A child looks good in school

6/6 = 20/20: The person sees very well

In other words, the light of the eyes is better understood by 6/7 vision. 🤓😊

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