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Why are there white spots on the fingernails?

Why are there white spots on the fingernails?

 Why are there white spots on the fingernails?

Nails are an important part of our body and hands Especially in the case of girls, the importance of these nails can be said a little more But sometimes we see some white spots on the nails As the saying goes, white spots on the nails mean a lack of calcium in the body Many people get scared by remembering that conventional idea But is there really anything to fear?

It is known that white spots on the nails means that the lack of calcium is nothing but a myth Rather, it can be said that the mystery behind these white spots is not very important So where does this stain come from?

In medical science, the name of the white spot on the nail is ‘punctate leukonychia’ Most of the time these spots appear when the nails are pushed or injured However, this injury does not mean that it has to be very serious Constant ringing of nails on the table or cutting of nails with teeth can also cause these white spots. In fact, these white spots are the damaged cells of the nail

However, white spots on some parts of the nails are not a cause for concern But if your nails turn completely white, it can be serious Because perfectly white nails can indicate any other big problem of the body Such as liver problems, kidney problems or heart problems

Also, when these white spots are lined up, it indicates a lack of protein in the blood. So if the white spots are all over the nails, then you must consult a doctor

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