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Here are 10 things you may not know about Google

Here are 10 things you may not know about Google

Can you remember the life before Google came? What would you do then, when suddenly, you need to find information about something quickly?

Here are 10 things you may not know about Google
Here are 10 things you may not know about Google 

No matter what you're looking for - maybe the correct spelling of a word, the address of a restaurant, the name of a particular store, or the name of a hillside lake, maybe now you Google it.

Google responds to an average of 40,000 searches per second - three and a half billion searches per day (Forbes estimates).

In the midst of all this, the most popular search engine in the world has become more than just any search engine. It is an advertising medium, a business model and a relentless collector of personal information.

That's right, every time we do a Google search, Google finds out a little about our personal likes and dislikes and habits - but how much do you know about Google?

Here is some information about Google, which may surprise you.

1. Name

You may want to know what the name Google means. In fact, it makes no sense.

Here are 10 things you may not know about Google

The name Google actually comes from a misspelling of the mathematical calculation googol - which is one hundred zeros after 1.

There are many stories now that an engineer or student wrote this misspelling instead of the real name. That wrong name comes in front of the whole world.

The next event is history.

2. 'Backbone'

Google's founders Larry Page and Sergey Brin were the first to name the company Backrab.

The method by which a website finds another website and determines the ranking on the webpage based on their past links is called backrab.

3. Not everything is accountable

Here are 10 things you may not know about Google

Google is not everything. There are so many interesting things out there.

For example, you can type the word "askew" into Google.

4. Google Goat

Google has always said that it supports green initiatives. One of these is lawn mowing

The lawn grass at Google's headquarters in California has to be pruned regularly. So if you ever go there, you will see about 200 goats roaming and eating grass and keeping the lawn grass tidy.

5. Growing business

Gmail, Google Maps, Google Drive, Google Chrome ... Google has been owning a company almost every week since 2010.

You may not notice, but there are seventy more companies like Android, YouTube, Voice, AdSense - Google.

6. Doodle

The first Google Doodle for Outdoor Messaging was launched on August 30, 1997.

The idea first came when Larry and Sergei went to Nevada for a festival.

Doodles have been a part of Google's tradition ever since. Specially crafted art floats in the face of Google for a special day or personality.

7. Opportunity for many, but not for Google

In 1999, Larry and Sergei tried to sell Google for 1 1 million ..... but there were no customers to buy it. Even after reducing the price, no customer matched.

Google now has a combined net worth of 300 300 billion. Maybe some people are now remorseful for missing out on that opportunity.

8.Google's norm

One of Google's core values ​​is "never be bad."

But whether this company is still in that ideal, that decision is yours.

9. Food is a very important thing

According to Forbes, Google's father Sergei Brin initially decided that Google's office would never be more than 60 meters away from where food would be taken.

Rumor has it that the company’s most popular dish at the time was ‘Swedish fish’, a chewed dessert. But now Google has a variety of meats and good quality coffee for its people.

10. Google's best friend

Anyone who works at Google, even newcomers can bring their own dog. But it has to prove that they are office type trained, where there will be no hugging.

Some more bonus points ....

Although Google's index is now 100 times larger than in 1999, it is being updated 10,000 times faster.

Google Plastic Construction Toy is a fan of Lego, which is why the first Google computer storage unit was made with Lego bricks.

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