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Some strange facts about biology

Some strange facts about biology

There is a lot of great information in biology. I shared a fewঃ

  • The cornea is the only organ in the body that does not supply blood - it receives oxygen directly from the air.
  • The human body has enough fat to make seven bars of soap.
  • Fetal fingerprints are seen three months after conception.
  • Between birth and death, the bones of the human body move from 300 to 207.
Some strange facts about biology

  • One-fourth of your bones are in your legs. Bonus: Children have more than 94 bones than adults.
  • The heartbeat continues even if it is brought out of the body.
  • All mammals have a "diving mechanism" that prevents them from drowning. Humans have a "diving reflex" that stops physical activity when submerged in water to prevent drowning. (Of course for a while)
  • There are some types of tumors that can make their own teeth and hair grow - they are called teratomas.
  • Humans are bioluminescent, light is not just human perceptible.
  • Astronauts can be up to two inches tall in space.
  • Your brain can survive 5 to 10 minutes without oxygen.
Some strange facts about biology

  • In case of extreme starvation, the brain will start eating itself!
  • When listening to music, your heartbeat will sync with the rhythm of the song.
  • The human small intestine is about 23 feet long.
  • There are more than 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body.
Some strange facts about biology

  • You cannot breathe and swallow at the same time.
  • Your left kidney is slightly above your right kidney.
  • Your ears and your nose never stop growing.
  • Women’s brains actually shrink during pregnancy.
  • Stomach acid can dissolve metals.
  • Tongue prints are as unique as fingerprints.
  • Children blink only once or twice a minute, while adults blink an average of 10 times per minute.
  • The jaw muscles are the strongest in the human body.
  • When awake, your brain produces enough electricity to light a light bulb.
  • In terms of the camera, the human eye is about 56 megapixels.
  • You carry about four pounds of bacteria in your body.
  • The highest recorded fever was 115 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • 50% of the strength of your hand comes from your little finger (pinky finger.).
Some strange facts about biology

  • Cornflakes have more genes than humans.
  • People cannot digest grass.
  • The scientific name for the word stomach is "borborygmus".
  • You can make 2 swimming pools with your whole life spit.
  • Did you know that the female egg is the largest cell and the male sperm is the smallest cell in the human body?

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