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How to make the body strong?

How to make the body strong?

‘Health is the root of all happiness’ - the meaning of the word can be understood only when one is seriously ill. When you are sick, not only the body suffers, money also suffers. The family members also suffer. And so it is important to stay healthy.

How to make the body strong?
 How to make the body strong?

There are some things that can be done regularly to keep the body and mind much better and it is easier to increase the strength of the body. Lifestyle website Femina offers some ways to stay healthy and increase body strength.

1. High protein rich foods

High protein foods are essential to increase the body's energy. In this case you can eat eggs, salmon, chicken, yogurt, nuts etc. These are good sources of protein. In addition to protein, a little carbohydrate should be eaten. In this case, put oatmeal, brown rice in the diet. You can eat lots of fruits and vegetables to increase energy as well.

2. Balanced living

Rest and sleep is very important for every human being. There is no substitute for sleep to keep the body fit. It is important for an adult to get at least eight hours of sleep a night.

Avoid smoking and drinking as well as sleep to lead a balanced life. In addition, drink at least 10 to 12 glasses of water every day and control stress. These are part of a balanced lifestyle.

3. Do weight training

Most women probably don't think she can lift heavy things. However, women can also do this job. In fact, regular weight training exercises are quite beneficial to increase the strength of the body. So you can start such exercises to increase your strength without leaving yourself behind.

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