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What are the causes of fatigue in the human body?

Exhaustion, tiredness and drowsiness may be another sign of the body.

There can be many reasons for feeling tired, lifeless or lazy. However, it is not a good sign to feel like this all the time.

What are the causes of fatigue in the human body?
What are the causes of fatigue in the human body?

This problem may be overcome with proper diet and rest. But before that you need to understand where the problem is in the body.

In a report published on a nutrition website, some suggestions from Indian nutritionist Puja Banga can be followed.

Iron deficiency: One of the causes of body fatigue is iron deficiency. If there is iron deficiency, there is no benefit in sleeping all day. Iron deficiency is more common during pregnancy and period. So it is necessary to eat more vegetables and salads at this time.

Lack of sleep: Lack of sleep or late sleep causes fatigue. Adequate sleep is required every day. Otherwise the body feels tired and lifeless. And sleeps all day. Which is also harmful for the body and skin.

Unhealthy or inconsistent eating habits: What we eat affects our body. The quantity and quality of food affects the fresh and weak feeling in the body.

Dehydration: Dehydration means lack of water in the body. This results in headaches, aches, fatigue and weakness. The main part of the body is water. Therefore, if there is a shortage of water, weakness and fatigue may occur in the body.

Growing body: will depend on age. As the body ages, so does the amount of energy consumed. In this case, if you do not get food according to the right energy consumption, even if you do a little work, you can get weak quickly.

Excessive physical exercise: If you exercise for a long time, you will feel that there is no more energy in the body. The result is tired and lifeless.

Not exercising: On the other hand, one of the reasons for getting lazy is not exercising. Exercise helps the body burn calories and keep the body healthy. When no work is done all day, it causes laziness and drowsiness.

Heat and sickness: If you stay in a warm and humid environment for a long time, you may feel tired. Headaches and weakness are common during this time. Similarly, even if you are sick, you may experience fatigue, drowsiness and lack of energy. So it is important to consult a doctor without neglecting these symptoms.

For a strong feeling

It is important to eat healthy food to feel strong and fresh. The body gets the necessary nutrients. It is necessary to drink enough water to keep the body moist.

Regular exercise keeps the body and mind healthy. Gives fresh feeling as well.

Source: - Bbnews 24

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