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Why do you fall asleep when you sit down to read?

Why do you fall asleep when you sit down to read?

 Suppose you are reading. Whether it's a textbook, or just a story-novel book. But after reading a few pages he could not go any further. Because your eyelids are falling asleep. It seems that the fatigue of the state has come and filled the body. Nothing can be more important to you now than sleep. In this way, despite the mental preparation and pre-planning throughout the day, it was not possible for you to read for a long time

Wondering, is it just you? Not at all. Millions of people around the world suffer from this problem. They can do a hundred hard work all day effortlessly, but as soon as they start reading books, they fall asleep. What is the reason behind this? Cheating? Inattention? Mind not sitting at the reading table?

No, even though we have identified these factors behind seemingly falling asleep while reading, experts have found various scientific reasons. First of all, when reading a book, you have to keep your eyes fixed on the pages of the book, and at every moment you have to turn your eyes from left to right, then from right to left. Not only this, with the help of what the eye sees, the brain has to make meaningful words, sentences and paragraphs, and also understand what is meant by them. Adding extra stress while reading a textbook is the challenge of remembering the content for the future. As the eye muscles get tired due to constant movement while reading in this way, the brain also gets short of breath while performing many tasks at the same time. Then both the eyes and the brain need rest. And what better rest than sleep! That is why the eyelids gradually become heavier, and the need for sleep becomes available in the brain.

Another important thing is that many people want to create a comfortable situation for themselves while reading. Many may lie down, and many may lie down in a relaxed position. They think it will be easier to read in this way. But the reality is different. When the body is introduced to the feeling of comfort, the brain assumes that now is the time to rest. But then if one goes to do a mental work like reading, then the brain sits in rebellion. As a result, extra fatigue and drowsiness are felt.

Many people's entire careers are being ruined because of this sleep. The next day's exam, more than half of the syllabus is still left, but due to sleep, it was not possible to read for a long time even the night before the exam - many people have to face such a horrible situation. As a result, there is no other way but to sit with folded hands or write down whatever you want by mixing the sweetness of the mind. So now the question is, what is the way to get rid of this terrible problem of reading and sleeping?

There are several effective ways to ensure that you do not fall asleep while reading. Let's find out now.

Keep the reading room lit.

The biggest mistake many students make while reading is simply lighting a table lamp. Yes, the light from the table lamp may be enough to see what is written on the pages of the book, and lighting other lamps in the house may seem like a waste of electricity. But the thing is, when you just light a table lamp, most of the room will be plunged into darkness, which will create a cozy atmosphere, and affect your brain to rest. Therefore, it is important to keep the whole house illuminated while reading.

Sit in a chair, not in bed

Which seat or posture you are sitting in is also very important. Because reading is not just a matter of time, in many cases you may have to read for hours on end. So you should sit in a reclining chair, leaving books on the front table, which will always alert you, not distract you. On the other hand, if you sit in bed, lie down or lie down, your nerves will gradually become more and more numb, and at some point you will fall asleep. So you have to sit on the chair-table, and shake your hands and feet for a while to get the nerves activated. If necessary, you can also take a five minute break every half hour.

Avoid heavy meals

Anyone feels lazy after eating heavy meals, and wants to lie down in bed. Basically when you have finished eating on a full stomach, you feel the urge to relax a bit, and you have to work hard to keep your eyes open. On the other hand, if the stomach is not fully filled, then the desire for this extra comfort of the body does not arise, but he can pay full attention to the subject of the text. Many people say that it is better to go hungry. But in that case, the thought of just eating can revolve around you. So it is wise to eat moderately rather than not eating at all.

Drink plenty of water

There is nothing new to say about the need to drink plenty of water. It is equally useful in the case of study. If you drink plenty of water, your brain will stay hydrated, so reading will be easier to understand and remember. However, there is a practical side to drinking plenty of water. The more water you drink, the more you will need to go to the bathroom. This way if you have to go to the bathroom once every hour, your body will keep moving. As a result, there will be no danger of falling asleep unknowingly. And even if you fall asleep, the discomfort of urination will quickly wake you up.

Adhere to 'Early to Bed, Early to Rise'

Everyone has read in childhood, Early to Bed and Early to Rise, Make a Man Healthy, Weldy and Wise. In fact, there can be no greater truth than this, and it is more effective in concentrating on studies. If you go to bed early at night, you will get enough sleep. As a result, the next morning you will be able to become physically and mentally refreshed. You will not get tired all of a sudden, and you will not get bored or sad because of good sleep. This will allow you to concentrate more on your studies.

Why do you fall asleep when you sit down to read?

Accepting the 'power nap'

It is not possible to fall all day long. If you fall asleep for a while while reading, your body may regenerate. That is why it is called Power Nap. You can take this power nap at any time, but it is best to take a nap at noon. Many may not be inclined to go to bed at noon, but they are certainly not aware of a student's tight schedule. A student has to start reading that morning, then do many classes. At night he has to read on his own and prepare for the next day. So taking a nap in the afternoon or afternoon is not only helpful for him, it is essential to keep the body alive. Otherwise, it is not possible for anyone to continue studying from dawn to dusk. If you continue to study for a few days in a row in this way, the loss of health is guaranteed.

Keep body parts alert and conscious

When you sit in the same position and study for hours on end, you will naturally feel lazy, you will have a little bit of sleep. So whenever you fall asleep, you should immediately get up from the chair and walk in or out of the house for a while. Then you can do light exercise. And if reading is more important, then you can read by walking for a while. Not only sound education but his alertness and dedication too are most required.

Read aloud

As a kid, your mom would scold you for reading so loud I could hear you in the kitchen! You used to read aloud for fear of your mother. But now that you have grown up, don't read aloud anymore, because you think reading aloud is childish. But the danger of falling asleep can be eliminated only by reading aloud. Again, reading aloud means hearing one's own voice in one's own ears. It's a lot like explaining a teacher's reading in class. You will learn to read on your own, so many complex things will be quickly understood by you.

Write down what you read

In school life, many people would write down what they had just learned while reading. Now of course he doesn't do it. But it can still be very helpful. If you write in a notebook for a while, instead of just reading continuously, variety will come. Moreover, when you write the reading in your notebook in the form of short notes, it will be easier for you to remember. Needless to say, the chances of falling asleep while reading are much lower than the chances of falling asleep while writing. If there is nothing to write about, you can read the book. In that case you can use pencil, different colored pen or signature pen. The use of color can also stimulate your paralyzed brain.

Avoid reading difficult subjects at night

As a result of working hard all day, your body and mind are both tired. In such a situation, it is not possible for you to concentrate on something very complex and understand it. Doing so can be counterproductive. You may become so disgusted with the subject that you may no longer be interested in reading it in the future. On the other hand, if you can get up early in the morning by sleeping a little early at night, then you will be able to read the difficult subject in your mind easily and understand it easily. So set aside the difficult ones for the next morning, read only the easy and interesting ones at night.

Do group study

Reading alone may seem like a monotonous thing to many. Reading alone all night before the exam is also a matter of great misery for many. Moreover, if you get stuck in a complicated place while reading alone, your interest in reading decreases a lot. Then I think, what is the benefit of reading this subject, rather than a little sleep. In this way, many people do not end up reading alone. But if group study can be done with one or more friends, loneliness is eliminated, reading is not boring, it seems entertaining, and if one cannot read, it can be quickly understood from the other. Even if no one else can do that, but there is no harm. I can still comfort myself by thinking, no one can read this, then I have to be able to do it with no grief!

Chew gum or drink tea or coffee

Many may disagree on what to eat or drink while reading, but in some cases these may be helpful. Suppose, as you read, you repeatedly raise your eyebrows, and at any moment, your eyes may catch up. But reading is also very important. Then you can put a piece of chewing gum in your mouth and start chewing it. Chewing gum means engaging in active physical activity so that your brain becomes more active than before. You can also drink tea or coffee to wake up. But remember, too much caffeine is bad for your health. Therefore, no more than 500-600 mg of caffeine should be taken daily.

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