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What are the good aspects of eating beer?

What are the good aspects of eating beer?

Would you like a glass of cold beer with dinner or supper? Then good news for you. Yes, beer has many health benefits.

Good for metabolism and cholesterol

Beer contains very small amounts of acids and small amounts of sugars along with easily digestible carbohydrates and proteins so it is good for metabolism. It maintains cholesterol balance better.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Free radicals are involved in many health-related diseases, including cancer. The polyphenols in beer are essentially antioxidants and it fights free radicals in the body.

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Prevents heart disease

Beer is a good diuretic because it contains low amounts of calcium and sodium, which builds up a strong and good electrolyte balance because sodium is excreted but does not contain potassium and magnesium. It protects against heart disease and prevents the formation of gallstones and urinary calculus.

Increases healthy minerals

Malt contains more than 30 trace elements and mineral alcohol, which is also present in beer. For example, one liter of beer provides 30% of the daily requirement of magnesium, 25% of phosphorus and 30% of potassium.

Reduces stress in a truly extraordinary way

Beer reduces muscle tension and has the property of soothing nerves. Low cholesterol lowers stress relief and also helps soothe some beer carbonation.

Adds vitamin quotient

Beer contains a small amount of essential amino acids as well as vitamins. Initially Vitamins B, B1, B2, B6 and Vitamin H, are good for our nerves and ability to concentrate. Moreover, these vitamins increase the formation of red blood cells.

Alcohol quenches thirst

Beer can quench your thirst and taste good. So, relax with your favorite television show or song with a glass of iced beer. Of course do not eat extra. Everything is good in dimensions.

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