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How does RAM work?

What is RAM? How RAM works and its types

The full form of RAM is Random Access Memory. Which is called RAM for short. Ram temporarily stores all the data of a device. The processor initially stores the required information in RAM and then processes it. It is called random access memory as data can be accessed from RAM in any order and quickly. So the answer to the question of what is called Ram is that the device that temporarily stores the current or immediately necessary information of the computer and provides it quickly is called RAM.

Radam why temporary memory

All information is temporarily stored in Radam. For example: operating system services, browsers, games and other software that we use. Radham can't remember anything permanently. With the power off of the computer, all RAM data is deleted. This is why it is called (Volatile) technology. Volatile means that once its power is cut off, it forgets everything. Although transient memory, it can provide information at high speeds. Which cannot be done by Hard Disk or SSD.

How RAM works

Many transistors and capacitors are made up of RAM memory cells. An example of a RAM capacitor is like a bucket but it leaks. Due to which the data may become empty in an instant. Memory cell stores data by these two binary numbers 0 and 1. 1 when data is recharged and 0 when discharged. This is done through the memory controller. The job of RAM is to bring the software you want to use from the hard disk and run it according to the instructions. However, we cannot give instructions directly to RAM, CPU gives instructions to RAM. Suppose you click to open the computer's Google Chrome browser. Now the processor will instruct RAM to open it, RAM will load the data of Google Chrome from the hard disk into its own and open the browser.

How many GB of RAM size is better?

How many GB of RAM you have, the speed of the computer will be better depending on the type of work and the capacity of other devices in the PC. Usually 1GB, 2GB, 3GB, 4GB, 4GB, 5GB, 6GB, 7GB, 8GB RAM is used in the computer. However, it is not true that the performance of the computer will be better only if the capacity of RAM is more. Performance will increase with the combination of your motherboard, processor, hard disk, operating system, applications, etc. Also see how many megahertz (MHz) or MBS data your Ram is capable of transferring. For these reasons, it is seen that some people are getting very good speed with 2 GB RAM and some people are using 8 GB RAM but the PC is getting slow.

Types of Radham

There are different types of RAM. Currently the most common name is DDR4. The older systems are DDR3, DDR2, DDR1 or DDR, respectively. Here the number refers to the generation that transmits high speed MHz.

Another common type of RAM is VRAM or video RAM, which is helpful for playing video games. It is currently attached to the graphics card. However, GDDR RAM is mainly used in graphics cards. Most modern graphics cards use GDDR6. Some graphics cards also use High Bandwidth Memory as VRAM. HBM, HBM2, HBM2e etc. have different performance.

The importance of radam

The need for RAM in desktop and laptop computers is much higher. Mobile, Tab The importance of RAM is immense even for these small devices. There is no alternative to RAM to speed up computer work. If the RAM is less than required, the PC will be slow. However, RAM combines everything to increase the performance of the computer. Good speed can be expected by adding RAM according to the capacity of the motherboard, hard disk, processor, etc. Also, using SSD instead of hard disk increases the speed. RAM should be upgraded if you have a faster CPU and graphics card.

Finally, RAM is an important component for all devices. If the combination of everything is right, increasing the RAM will increase the speed of your device many times. So nowadays people want to know how much RAM of mobile, how much RAM of computer? That's why many people look at how many GB of RAM is when buying a device.

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